Whether you have attended church all your life or this sunday will be your first time, we welcome you and have a place for you. Tap the button below to prepare your kids for check-in before you come.
There are 3 separate areas in our Nursery.
The Ocean Room for infants aged 0 to walking.
The Jungle Room for toddlers (1's & 2's).
And the Mountain Room for walkers (2's and 3's).
Each area has its own age-appropriate Bible story and activities and highly trained leaders whose purpose is to introduce little ones to Jesus.
The Forest Room is full of all the things that make 4 & 5 year-old's happy.
They can enter the room by slide or by a child-sized door in a tree trunk.
All while learning about the love of Jesus, singing age appropriate worship and making new friends.
K-5th Grade
The New Life Kids Studio is our venue for 1st through 5th graders!
This state of the art space is ready for your student to play and experience their own age-appropriate kid's service that includes games, activities, worship, and a message.
Challenging kids to answer God’s calling.
Our mission is to challenge kids to answer the call of God, who empowers them to live out his call in their day to day lives by spending time doing what he instructs them to do.
Time in Prayer – 1 Thess
Finding that all important time to get alone with God to talk with him and listen to him, to intercede on behalf of fellow believers, to pray for the lost, the hurting in those in need.
Time in God’s Word – 2 Tim 2:15
Spending time in his word, the Bible letting it speak to them, and growing them into the church children of God that he wanted them to be.
Time Evangelizing – Matt 28:19-20
Spreading the good news of God‘s love as demonstrated by Jesus who took our place and paid the price for our sins, and following his example in their day-to-day interactions with each other.