Welcome to New Life

What To Expect

A typical gathering lasts about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
We have age appropriate Jesus-centered programs for kids ages 0-12 during both gatherings.
Both gatherings are the same in worship set and message. We sing a mix of current and classic worship songs (but you will hear more modern songs in a typical worship set).  
You will see people from all walks of life at New Life. We come from different backgrounds and truly believe that you can come to church just as you are. We would love to meet you when you visit.  

If you do not have children to pre-check, please fill out the Connection form linked below.  Then find an usher or greeter in the lobby after service, we have a special gift for you and would love to answer any questions you might have for us.


Kid's at New Life

Every Sunday at New Life includes age appropriate, Jesus-centered gatherings for ages 0 to 12. 

The same programs are available during both the 9 & 11 AM gatherings. Your children will be taught the love of Jesus and encouraged to grow in their faith while you worship in the main auditorium.

Wednesday nights have activities for all age groups, so bring your family. 

The adults meet in the main auditorium, 6-12th grade in the gym, 0-5 in the nurseries, and 1st-5th grade in the Kid's Studio.
Kids check-in is located in the Student Center lobby to the right of the parking lot, look for the big colorful flags.

Click the link below pre-check your kids before your first visit.

Looking for more information on Check-in? Click Here

When we Meet


9  AM  & 11 AM


7 PM

A note about Check-In: 

At New Life, we do everything we can to make our kid's programs secure and safe for all kids. Check-in is just one way we help keep kids safe at church.

The process looks like this:

1. Parent/Guardian fills out a form (pre-check or onsite at the time of visit)
The form collects key pieces of information that help us make sure the child is in the appropriate age group and that when it is time to leave church, only the approved family members take the child.

2. Parent/Guardian brings the child to one of our Check-In stations. Stations are located in the Student Center/Gym lobby, Outside the 4 & 5 yr old room (the Forest Room), and at the entrance to the infant nursery.

3. The check-in system prints a sticker for the parent/guardian and a sticker for the child. The child wears the sticker and mom/dad/guardian keeps their sticker for pick-up.

4. Everyone enjoys their gathering.

5. When it's time to leave mom/dad/guardian brings the security sticker to the entrance of the child's class or area. The numbers on the child's sticker are matched to the parent/guardian sticker and the child is released to only that adult.